Sunday, November 2, 2008

Social contract contracted

Assalamualaikum and a very good day/evening to all

The author seems to have difficulty on to rationalize why is social contract become an issue nowadays. Part of it must be related to the outcome of the general election on March, ’08. But, if we think carefully, these whole issues of social contract, racial rights, privileges for the Malay and the bumi were gradually brought up after the administration changed hand to Pak Lah – not because I hate or love Pak Lah, but well, that’s the fact. Added up, with the “emerge” of Mr. “Yet to be a PM” that usually try to cater the peoples mind with his issue of justice, new Malaysia, and how the government today is worst then ever (or actually what he really mean is how if he were to be a PM, Malaysia will become a better place; ah, but then....)

Yes, the whole issue never settled down even before the independence of Tanah Melayu but we as a Malaysian never change our mindset to accept the difference of Malaysian society either. We tend to compare all of our “weakness” with the “strength” of other nations but come on, are we the same as the other country? Do our template of society similar to the other?
The author do agree that others also have multi-racial society but do their “majority” and “minority” comprise the same as us where the majority are not so-called the majority at certain place and the minority is the majority at the other place? Do the cluster of socioeconomic background happened if compare to others? Do the so-called minority can even have their own schools of their own mother tongue? In some country, the peoples also isolate the so-called minority if the minority could not cope with the society.

We may or we may not agree with how Malaysia is better but we also need to realize that not all of the foreign ways suit better to our country. Yes, may be the state of “democracy” are the best in Sweden (well, this is according to our “beloved” RPK?!) but do the Swedish society tantamount to Malaysia? They even have a different weather if compare to us, for God sake!

But, these uncomfortable situations of peoples who cried out for their racial right or the peoples who questions the “social contract” were because the now government is too weak to satisfied the racial problems. Like Dr. Mahathir said, it is not due to the forte of the PR, but the BN is weak. The worst part is, now, BN leader also tend to follow the trend of PR to satisfied the demand that been brought by PR (like Najib’s point that the DEB should “gradually” be abolish.) Quoting Dr. Mahathir, “it is not the policy that create the problems but it is because the people that had been given chances that had made the problems” (or something like that). Another reason is that the people do not appreciate the history. They do not understand the history of Malaysia that makes them want to questions all the policy that had been made by the government. What we have today is the effort of our ancestors and we need to appreciate each and every inch of it. Feel free to read the author point of view on history at Malay). With that, the author thanks the reader. Wassalam.


azlishukri said...

kupasan yang sangat menarik. salam singgah.

gangeticus said...

"The author seems to have difficulty on to rationalize why is social contract become an issue nowadays."

A rational person always questions inequality.


Salam ziarah :-)

AIDC said...

tak ramai boleh bercerita seperti anda bercerita.